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Showing posts from May, 2012

Thrifty Thursday: Homemade Hand Soap

As you all know, I am now a full-time homemaker and with that comes the tightening of the budget strings. The Lord has always provided for us and I do not doubt that he will continue to do so, but he has also given me the strength and ability to work hard and save money whenever possible. So, I have decided that periodically I will do a Thrifty Thursday blog and blog about some ways I have found to save money. Today I am going to give you a little run down on how to make your own Liquid Hand Soap. We go through a ton of hand soap with three little ones and so much dirt. J It is super EASY and you should have all you need on hand. Here’s what you will need: 1. Bar Soap (I used Dove soap a friend gave me that smelled wonderful) 2. Cheese Grater (only you won’t be grating cheese, you will be grating soap) 3. Water 4. Cooking Pot and Stove Take your bar soap (approx. four ounces) and grate it with a chees...

Keep Walking

I don’t know how many of you have kids who watch Veggie Tales but when my boys were younger they LOVED it. Anyway, there is this song on an episode that says “keep walking” it is referring to Joshua walking around the walls of Jericho (it’s a super cute song ). That phrase has been on my mind for a week now; faith is a journey and you can’t continue on a journey without walking. This week was my first full week at home with no outside obligations and I must say it has been a blessed week. We have baked bread, baked cookies, played with new friends, attempted to use the big girl potty, cleaned out kitchen cabinets, cleaned out bookshelves and focused on keeping on overall tidy house! Nothing earth shattering I know, but this week the Lord has been teaching me to “keep walking” even though I do not know where the journey is taking me. Some of you may be taking one step at a time by faith, not really knowing where all the steps are leading. That is kind of where I am right now ...

One Step at a Time

(The above picture was taken in Gatlinburg TN) As I walked across the dark parking lot one last time, I couldn’t believe my job was over. Five years of my life is now behind me. But, as I got into my van and drove away there was such a feeling of freedom, the sadness was pushed to the back of my mind and I felt at peace. So, I know what you are thinking, WHY did you leave your job, what happened, etc? We (my hubby and myself) took a leap of faith and did what we felt God wanted us to do. I am sure some will think us crazy, others will wonder why it took us five years to make this decision. I do not have an answer to that, other than to say, we did it when God wanted us to. Our ways are not His ways and we are learning to trust Him as we go. Now that you know where we are in our little journey in faith, let me tell you what God has done for us in the last 2 ½ weeks since I put my two week notice in at work. The very day I planned on putting my notice in, I was all kind of ne...

Jumping In

Okay, so this is it, my first blog post! I am excited, but just because I love to write, doesn’t really mean anyone will want to read what I write. I know, I know, but really, why does anyone start a blog?   Anywho, I have been thinking about blogging for what feels like forever and decided now was the right time to jump in! The Lord has been doing some important things in my life these days and my main purpose for this blog is to make a record of what He is doing. I am sure from time to time I will share a recipe or a thrifty idea I have found but more than that I hope to show anyone who cares to read that God is real and loves to work in the lives of His children. We are headed for some changes in our family and I am really excited to see how the Lord is going to provide and take care of us. I will write more about this in my next post, but let’s just suffice it to say, I serve a very BIG God and am so blessed to be HIS! Hebrews 11:1 "Now FAITH is the substance OF t...