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Showing posts from December, 2012

Thankful Thursday: 2012 in Review

As we continue our countdown to Christmas, I can't help but reflect on this year and the blessings that came with it. 2012 was a year of change for me (perhaps I'll write about that soon) but it has also been a year full of blessings.   I hope you enjoy my picture tour of the blessings of 2012! 1. Protection! My sweet Ethan nearly lost his eye in January. 2. Spending Valentine's Day at the Biltmore House with my loves (I know it's a funny picture with Jason holding the stroller lol). 3. The boys getting their first turkey in April!! This was an answer to prayer for all three of them. 4. My FIRST ever garden!! 5. Family Vacation in May thanks to a dear friend.   6. Bittersweet Goodbye to my Cliffs' Family. 7. Seeing Chipper Jones play one last time in Atlanta with my Daddy.       8. Sweet Tyson. He has grown so much this year!   9. Priceless lessons learned from a dear Missionary. 10. A house full of...

Sweet Peace

This thought has been bouncing around in my head for several weeks now, I even attempted to teach it to a group of ladies at church. Resting in the peace of God! Is it really as simple as the Bible says? How do I find it? How do I keep it once I find it? What if I lose it? I'm sure we all have a dozen or more questions on the topic of peace.   I am writing today, resting in the peace that just yesterday was so far from my grasp. Sometimes, we are called to walk through dark valleys, sometimes the hard times seem to pop up out of nowhere, and sometimes we put ourselves in the middle of bad situations that could have been avoided. Today, I am reflecting on a peace that I taught about on Sunday, seemed to lose on Monday and am resting wonderfully in today.        Isaiah 26:3      "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."   That one verse, as simple as it soun...