It has been a while since my last post, I just haven’t had the umph needed to write. I have had plenty of things rattle around in my head to write about, but I just haven’t sat down and started typing. So, here we go today, I am sitting down, typing… I hesitate to write about pain, for many reasons but I keep coming back to it so I think it is something I need to write about. There are so many levels and types of pain, it is a challenge to write about ones experience without fully understanding another’s. I have recently been diagnosed with Adenomyosis and finally have a diagnosis for pain I have been experiencing for three years. Fortunately the pain has been manageable with just the last year being the most intense. Chronic pain differs from acute pain (in my experience) because chronic pain is nagging where as if you have acute kidney stone pain, there is no managing that, you just take the pain meds or get to the hospital as quickly as possible. So, here I am ...
This blog is a chronicle of my life walking through chronic illness while learning to rest in Him.