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Showing posts from July, 2016

The Forgotten Blog

It's been 7 months since my last blog post. 7 months of me being unable to put in words all the thoughts that have been rattling around in my head. I have had the nudge to write, but have been afraid to succumb to the nudge, afraid of writing the words to what I feel.  I have written, deleted and written again, really not knowing what to write. There is a fine line between putting your thoughts and feelings "out there" and just exposing yourself (and your family). My goal with this blog has always been about "my little journey in faith" and these last 7 months that little faith has been tested over and over again. There have been days I didn't think I would or could survive the test, but in the end HE is always enough. The Lord taught me how to let go of my ideals and let him have full control of my journey and the journey of my little family. I have struggled with the journey, some days I have no idea which way to go, and other days the clarity is b