This year we are growing a garden for the first time! What
an adventure! I am learning a lot and finding there is still much to learn. I
have made a few mistakes and will surely make more (my most comical was
probably planting the WHOLE potato instead of just the eye). Each day I go
outside to see if anything new has grown and once the flowers started on the
plants I was like a kid in a toy store, just so excited. Now, the fruit is
starting to grow and I am beside myself with excitement. I can NOT wait to
taste my very first organic, home grown tomato!
There have also been quite a few life lessons while tending
my garden, it is truly a blessing how the Lord speaks to us through his creation.
How in the world can something so fresh and
tasty come from a little seed?
· Who knew the dirt mattered? Oh but the
foundation is ever so important.
· And one of the greatest lessons for me has been
patience. I planted my little seeds several months ago and still have not
tasted one tomato, one crispy cucumber, one fried squash or one baked potato,
yet they are all still growing.
So, what are the practical applications for you and me?
Think of yourself as the little seed and God as the gardener. He has watered,
weeded, fertilized, kept pests away and tended to you in every way to help you
grow (if He is not your gardener, He
wants to be, He gave his life so He could be).
Oh and what about the soil? The Mushroom Compost I used in my garden is so
rich and full of nutrients it is not at all like the rocky, clay soil underneath. If
our foundation is not HIM we will surely wilt away when the tests of life come
our way.
Let’s not forget about patience! Some days I wake up and I just feel
that today is the day I will taste the fruit, other days I wonder if the fruit
will ever ripen. I have three little seedlings (Ethan, Chandler and Addison by
name) in my care and I must with patience tend my garden. They are still growing, just as I am still growing and I look forward with
great anticipation to the day they are bearing fruit for the Lord.
What an inspiring post! I'd love to grow my own fruits and vegetables, but plants and I have a love/hate relationship. I love to kill them, and they hate me for it. LOL! Seriously, I've killed every plant I've ever owned. . .even the ones that were supposedly "unkillable". I guess I'll just have to stick with spiritual gardening.