(If we could only trust our Father the way children trust theirs)
I know we are to walk by faith and not sight, but there are
times in our journey when it seems we are truly walking blindly. You know how
it is, when you are “feeling” your way around a dark room or you are walking
down stairs in the dark and are slowly and carefully putting one foot in front
of the other. You want to make sure that when you put your foot down that it
has a landing or something solid to hold it. Sometimes, in our lives we are
called to walk by faith like that, blindly putting one foot in front of the
other not knowing for sure where we will be landing.
Last year, we (my family) stepped out on faith and I quit my
job in the work force. That was certainly a HUGE step of faith but I could see
a little bit ahead of me. Don’t misunderstand, I couldn’t see how God was going
to provide for us without my income and I couldn’t see around the bend but I
could at least see the road ahead. It was a step of faith on what seemed to be a well lit path. It was a tough step but I don’t think I
would call it a blind step.
However, there are times in our journey of faith where we
must step blindly, really not knowing where the steps are taking us. This faith
is really tough! I don’t write this blog as an expert on faith (or anything
else for that matter), remember I am writing it to document my personal journey
in faith. So, here I am at that place, that blind spot, and I really can’t see
around the bend or even down the road. If I were to be completely honest I
would have to tell you that I can’t even see where I am stepping.
So, how in the world am I going to be able to take the next
step? And the one after that?
not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye
have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Now the just shall
live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Hebrews 10:35-38
I read a book once where this lady faced many hardships and
trials and she would ask the sainted lady who took her in what she was supposed
to do, and the lady would simply say “just do the next thing.” I know it sounds
trite but it has helped me many times when I just wasn’t sure what direction
life was taking me, I would “just do the next thing.” Right now, I am having to
practice this blind faith I am writing about, not really knowing where my foot
is going to land when I take the next step. So, what am I going to do? I’m
going to “just do the next thing.” Tonight that will involve putting away the
laundry, cooking dinner, bathing my daughter, and reading the Bible with my family. I don’t know
where my foot is going to land tomorrow, but that is okay because I can blindly
trust my Saviour to allow my next step to land right where HE wants it to.
Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in
whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” Psalm
Love your perspective! What a testimony :)