I must write a disclaimer before I go too far in this post. This post is not my attempt at marriage advice, counseling or judgment. It is simply a glimpse into our life, which is what this blog is about, our Little Journey in Faith. We will celebrate 16 years of marriage this August and in that time have faced many challenges and obstacles, just as all marriages face. We have gone through a miscarriage, financial ruin, loss of jobs, moving, spiritual warfare, temptation, backsliding, child-rearing, surgeries, and in these days physical pain. Not to mention the personal battles that are not for others to read about. But, today, I want to remind all the husbands out there of the importance of flirting or wooing your wife.
Husbands, do you remember those early days of dating when you would do anything to make your girl smile? The thrill of seeing her look at you with love in her eyes? Did you know that you can still experience that? You can still have the playful banter of those dating days. It may sound trite, but as a wife with a dear husband that flirts with her, I can tell you it is priceless.
Lately, I have been going through a physical valley with pain and overall feeling quite inadequate. Flirting certainly will not make my physical pain go away but it does remind me that my sweet man loves me and loves me "in sickness and in health." He is living the vows he vowed nearly 16 years ago.
I realize life is stressful and as husbands the burden you carry for your family is great. Believe me, I see my dear husband carry the spiritual and financial burden for our family and I know it must be difficult. At times my burden of caring for the children and home seem trite when I think of the eternal burdens my dear husband carries.
When our children are grown, what do we want them to remember about our relationship? Will they remember fighting? Or maybe not much at all? I want my children to remember that Mom and Dad not only loved each other, but they liked each other an awful lot too. I pray they will marry in God's will and marry the one God has picked out just for them, but even then it will be their job to keep the giggle in their wife and the sparkle in her eyes.
I will tell you this as a wife, the way my husband treats me makes me want to love him even more and take care of him even more. It doesn't bother me if he leaves his socks on the floor or doesn't help with the cleaning. Do you see what I'm saying? If you dear husband, treat your wife as the Bible says and love her "as Christ loved the church" (and if she is right with the Lord) she will take care of you with pleasure and continue to have that sparkle in her eye.
Song of Solomon 8:7
"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned."
😘 What a great thought!!!!
ReplyDeleteDawn, I admire you so much. You are such a Godly wife and mother. God will bless you and your family for your faithfulness. Debbie Chappell
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Dad
ReplyDeleteso cutes :)