I really wondered why on earth this verse would be on a homeschool planner then I thought the Momma who wrote it probably new some homeschool Momma out there would need a little comic relief. Cause there are just some days you need to laugh.
On any given day, a homeschool Momma will try to explain to one child why they can't play guitar and listen to their Bible class at the same time, they just don't understand when they can "concentrate better with music." Or you will throw your hands up in frustration when one child tells you he is having a hard time finishing his book report because he just didn't have time to finish his book report book. Really? Oh and if you have a preschooler, you hold your breath and pray she sleeps till at least 8:30 so you can get the older ones in some sort of groove before you are busy trying to sit on her in order for her to at least watch Phonics and Numbers class!
As all mothers know, being a Mommy is not for the faint in heart, add the precious responsibility of educating our young ones and fainting is simply not an option. So, this morning for all of you homeschool Mommas, keep heart and find a chuckle in the little things. Before you turn around good, your babies will be off to college and you will miss these days of the sacred mundane.
Now I wander what my mom had to go through.... home-schooled in South America, we were probably more trouble than the Colombians there.