"There is no telling how much power God can put into man. When divine strength comes, human weakness is no more a hindrance." Charles H Spurgeon
I felt it coming for days. What started as an increase in pain culminated into what I call a Chiari Storm (someone who shares Chiari referred to her flare ups as a Chiari Storm and I have used the terminology since). It just so happened this particular Chiari Storm coincided with an actual storm, a busy hurricane season has made the weather a real issue with my symptoms.
Some say that changes in the barometric pressure bring with it increased pain. I don't know the science behind all of that but can say it has proved true in my journey with Chiari. Conquer Chiari explains it like this "As the barometric pressure lowers, tissues in the body may enlarge. As the tissues enlarge, they put more weight on nerves that control pain signals."
This particular storm came on the heels of Jason and I celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary, a wonderful weekend celebrating followed by one of my most severe headaches. Truthfully I don't feel comfortable writing about what happened the night of September 2 when my headache truly became more then I could handle, but the Lord has been prompting me to write, so I write.
After managing the evening with the family I went to bed early no longer able to push through the pain. The thing about Chiari is traditional medicines don't usually help. Sometimes I take pain medication, but at best it will just take the edge off. On this particular night, nothing had taken the edge off. Had the hospitals not been restricted because of Covid-19 I would have gone to the ER. And let me tell you I am NOT a fan of the ER.
Just when I could not longer bear the pain, God gave me a glimpse of the cross. I have heard my whole life of those suffering able to smile through their pain and truly be at peace. I have had others counsel me and encourage me to look at the cross, that God would meet me there. And they were right. Just when I thought I couldn't stand anymore, God showed me a glimpse of what the crown of thorns must have been like for Jesus. The crown He wore for me and you. The crown that remained throughout his time on the cross. The crown that hurt Jesus head became so real to me, Jesus truly knew what my pain was like. His head must have ached the entire time he was on the cross. There was no relief for my Jesus while he hung there for me and for you.
So what was it like the night I could no longer bear the pain? That night the Lord let me worship Him, in the midst of my pain I worshipped. Did the pain go away? No. But God became so very near the pain was no longer unbearable. He gave me a glimpse of the cross.
Hebrews 12:2 says "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
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