I had a blog post I was planning on editing and posting this morning but my heart is beating in a different direction this Christmas Eve.
Last night I hopped on to a social media platform after church and as I was scrolling I read a post that stopped me in my tracks. I won't post what I read here because honestly I'd rather put it from my mind. But in that moment I knew what the Lord had been saying to me for a while now, it is time for me to step away from social media. I have been planning for a couple of weeks now to take the week after Christmas away from all phone distractions and just use my phone for calling and texting (its original purpose lest I forget). Today was to be the beginning of my social media break. And honestly I had decided to just quietly step away from it because I often roll my eyes when I read other's announcements of social media fasting or breaks. I really doubt the world needs to hear me say I'm stepping away from social media. Like, really, who cares?
I guess this is my "taking a break" post but I don't really want it to be that (go ahead and roll your eyes). 😀 Social media has its place and I have loved seeing my friends and acquaintance's lives from afar, but lately it just has been so very heavy. What I read and saw last night broke my heart and stayed with me the rest of the night and in to today. Today is Christmas Eve I should be laughing and cherishing time with my family rather than being bogged down by something I read but cannot change.
Proverbs 11:1 says "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord; but a just weight is his delight."
Proverbs 20:23 says "Divers weights are an abomination unto the Lord, and a false balance is not good."
Like many of you, I strive for a proper balance in all areas of my life and lately my weight has not balanced properly. If you are like me and feeling bogged down by all that 2020 has brought and found yourself checking social media multiple times a day, I challenge you to take a little break. Maybe a day, maybe a week and maybe indefinitely. Let the Lord guide and I am sure you/we won't be sorry.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! May 2021 find us closer to the Lord and a little more balanced.
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